Footwall definition the top of the rock stratum underlying a vein or bed of ore.
Hanging wall and footwall in faults.
The line it makes on the earth s surface is the fault trace.
A reverse fault is the opposite of a normal fault the hanging wall moves up relative to the footwall.
The mass of rock underlying a mineral deposit in a mine.
Footwall synonyms footwall pronunciation footwall translation english dictionary definition of footwall.
These are often found in intensely deformed.
Where the fault plane is sloping as with normal and reverse faults.
Fault plane is called the hanging wall or headwall.
Thrust faults with a very low angle of dip and a very large total displacement are called overthrusts or detachments.
Reverse faults indicate compressive shortening of the crust.
The fault strike is the direction of the line of intersection between the fault plane and earth s surface.
The main components of a fault are 1 the fault plane 2 the fault trace 3 the hanging wall and 4 the footwall.
The terminology of normal and reverse comes from coal mining in england where normal faults are the most common.
The dip of a reverse fault is relatively steep greater than 45.
The hanging wall moves up and over the footwall.
The fault plane is where the action is.
The block below is called the footwall.
Hanging wall synonyms hanging wall pronunciation hanging wall translation english dictionary definition of hanging wall.
The mass of rock overlying a mineral deposit in a mine.
Reverse dip slip faults result from horizontal compressional forces caused by a shortening or contraction of earth s crust.